Taking yourself on a date is about spending QUALITY time with yourself.
You are forbidden to: be on social media, compare your life, complain, worry, put yourself down, trash talk or hate others. You could have done that in the comfort of your home sitting in self-pity. Solo dates are to feel good. Be positive. You decided to go out, so be nice to yourself!
You can: make plans (only exciting things: places you want to go, experiences you want to have), introspect, write your feelings, compliment yourself, take many photos, observe others, notice details, and smile.
The purpose is for you to enjoy your company and stay in tune with your pace and energy.
You are not being rushed or influenced by others. All decisions are made by you. You are free to change plans and change your mind without repercussion or consequence. It is the ultimate way to be yourself, by yourself.
I leave a few tips about how to begin. This is where strategy plays an important role.
– A good tip is to go to make a plan like you would if you were accompanied so you won’t feel silly or wander.
– Dress nicely and care for yourself, so you look good. You want to feel your best when trying something new.
– This is a commitment you made to yourself, so make it a priority over things for others or daily tasks. It is easy to set being alone aside because it does not seem as immediately important as other people’s crying needs, but it is. It is important to you, so put yourself first. Try negotiation to do what others need later.
– The idea is that you explore without interference or impositions so all decisions must be made by you. Cut unsolicited opinions on locations, outfits… If you are not sure, make 2 plans and pick the one that resonates with you better on the day.
– The idea is that you have fun and not waste your time, so you must go to places you like.
– Choose locations you always wanted to go to but couldn’t or those that seem attractive to you. Also, locations you imagined being when your perfect life comes. For example, places you want to go to when you have a boyfriend, or when you lose weight. Enjoy them now!
– It is not a requirement to spend a lot of money. Make your research. The internet has a lot to offer. Museums in your city, art galleries, libraries, or parks are usually free. Find coupons for discounts on experiences like massages or manicures.
– Although it would be nice. You don’t even have to leave your house. If you choose to stay home, make sure you tell others that you need this time for mental health. So you can be left alone and enjoy.
– Be flexible when you start. Find the best time when you are not needed. Maybe it’s in the morning or the afternoon when everyone is working. Use your lunch hour for work or nights when everyone is sleeping.
– How long you need alone is dependent on you. Start small with a few minutes at a time and increase it as you get used to it.
– Remove the energy takers. This time is to recharge and come back as a better you. Don’t be afraid to mute notifications or exchange your phone with a book.
– Decide at home if you want to talk to people that approach you.
– Share your location with a close friend.